5 Reasons Why Should You Choose A Manual Breast Pump

5 Reasons Why Should You Choose A Manual Breast Pump
From getting the news of your pregnancy to the entire journey of preparing towards motherhood, the entire experience can be quite overwhelming and filled with emotions. In today’s time and age, especially when a consumer is spoilt with so many options and choices, it becomes rather difficult to choose a product that would be both useful and absolutely fit for the purpose. In the endeavour to provide the baby with nothing but the best, we tend to sometimes overspend, overbuy and overstock.
To decide what breast pump to use, it becomes imperative first to understand why one needs a breast pump in the first place. Breast pump is an absolute must-have for new moms-to-be. It not only helps a mother carry on with her life by pumping and storing the milk for their new-born, but is also quite handy to manage painful situations like engorgement, clogged ducts, inability of baby to latch and so on.
Engorgement, quite common in the postnatal phase, happens when breasts become enlarged and painful with milk and fluid. It thus becomes necessary to pump out the milk at regular intervals. Breast pumps especially the Manual ones, are quite useful for stimulating the let-down and massaging the breasts, making the entire experience less painful and more fruitful. Well in this case, milk-full!
There are three kinds of Breast Pumps available in the market.
- Manual
- Electric
- Battery Powered
What makes a Manual Hand Pump for pumping milk the most sought after option are mainly these factors:
Easy To Use: Free from all kind of cords and wires, a manual breast pump is quite easy to use and handle. It comes with minimum attachments and can be assembled in no time. This handy milk pump can easily pump around 2-4 ounces of breastmilk in one go.
Highly Portable: Portable and light-weight, manual hand pump is a fuss-free way to pump breast milk. Simply throw it in the diaper bag every time you plan to step out to run errands or even travel. Manual breast pumps are usually quite light and take minimum space in the bag.
Sound-Free: Free from all kinds of sounds and electrical buzzing, a manual breast pump makes no such noise. This makes them a silent companion and ideal to be used at airports, offices, restaurants, public restrooms, etc. Also the fact that these pumps don’t require you to be near an electrical outlet, one can pump milk sitting just anywhere without making a noise.
Controlled Let Down: Since pumping milk manually is a hands-on operation, one can control the pressure and speed of each pump. This is easy especially on sensitive breasts.
Affordable: Manual Breast Pumps are quite affordable and easy to maintain. The fact that they need no electricity or battery, they are quite easy to maintain and clean. Manual breast pumps are usually priced cheaper compared to their electric or battery-operated counterparts, making them an affordable choice.
Benefits: A manual breast pump helps in stimulating the let-down, massaging the breasts to relieve them from milk depositions and removing clogged ducts. Sometimes when breasts are hard and babies find it difficult to latch, manual breast pumps come in handy to pump out some milk to make the breasts soft. This makes it easier for the baby to latch.
While pumping milk, it is ideal to pump from both the breasts simultaneously. Imagine a situation where your baby sleeps while taking feed from one side. Rather than waking him/her up you can simply pump the milk simultaneously from the other breast while feeding. A manual Breast Pump can help in drawing out more milk manually in less than 10 minutes. When it comes to breastmilk, every drop counts.
Romsons Breast Pump is a manual pump used to express and store breast milk. It ensures a painless and smooth milk let-down with soft silicone massage cushions and a 2-Level suction. Romsons Breast Pump comes with a bottle made from BPA-free plastic to store milk. To know more, click here: https://bitly.com