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Adult Diapers are one of the most commonly used products by both men and women suffering from urinary incontinence or bowel incontinence. Incontinence may be a result of old age, mobility impairment, any underlying medical condition, accident, or a cognitive disorder. However, with their growing popularity and awareness, adult diapers are no longer confined to the hospitals but are increasingly being used at home as well. Higher absorption capacity for longer hours makes them ideal to use throughout the day and night.
Adult Diapers are primarily worn by people who are unable to control their bowels or bladders. These also come in handy for the caregivers of people suffering from any medical condition or mobility impairment. People who have Dementia also sometimes use adult diaper as they may not realize the need to visit the toilet.
Adult Diaper comes in varying sizes, styles, and absorption capacities. They are usually unisex and hence can be worn by both men as well as women. One can choose from the varying sizes and absorption capacities depending on individual requirements to prevent any discomfort or leakages.
Open-Style Disposable Diapers: These are one of the most commonly used disposable diapers. Open-Style Diapers Come With Refastenable Tapes on the sides that can be adjusted multiple times to achieve the desired fit. These are ideal to be used for people who are mobile, semi-mobile, or non-mobile. Open-Style Diapers are meant for one-time use only and thus reduce the risk of catching any infections.
Pull-Up Disposable Diapers: These are diaper pants for adults that come with a soft elastic waistband. One needs to just pull them up like underwear and to remove there is a side trim to tear it off easily. The leg cuffs are also efficient to prevent any leakage. These are ideal to be used by people who are mobile or semi-mobile. Pull-Up Diapers are also meant for one-time use and thus reduce the risk of catching infections.
Dignity Adult Diapers is the number one adult diaper brand in India. Our unisex adult diapers come in varying sizes and absorption capacities.
Dignity Magna Adult Diaper: Dignity Magna is a disposable open-style adult diaper with an absorption capacity of up to 8-10 Hours. These come in Medium, Large, and XL Sizes. Their super absorbent core absorbs moisture quickly.
Dignity Premium Adult Diaper: Dignity Premium is a disposable open-style adult diaper with an absorption capacity of up to 10-12 Hours. These come in Medium, Large, and XL Sizes. Dignity Premium has a super absorbent core and ADL, Acquisition Distribution Layer that helps in rapid fluid absorption and dispersion, making the user feel dry and comfortable for long hours.
Dignity Overnight Adult Diaper: Dignity Overnight is a disposable open-style adult diaper with an absorption capacity of up to 12-16 Hours. These come in Medium, Large, and XL Sizes. Dignity Overnight has a super absorbent core and ADL, Acquisition Distribution Layer that helps in rapid fluid absorption and dispersion, making the user feel dry and comfortable for long hours.
Dignity Premium Pull-Up Adult Diaper: Dignity Premium Pull-Up is a pant-style diaper with an absorption capacity of up to 10-12 Hours. Their super absorbent core absorbs and locks moisture quickly making the user feel dry. These come in Medium-Large and Large-XL sizes. Dignity Premium Pull-Ups are disposable.
Dignity Overnight Pull-Up Adult Diaper: Dignity Overnight Pull-Up is a pant-style diaper with an absorption capacity of up to 12-16 Hours. Their super absorbent core and ADL, Acquisition Layer, helps in rapid fluid absorption and dispersion, making the user feel dry and comfortable for longer hours. These come in Medium-Large and Large-XL sizes. Dignity Premium Pull-Ups are disposable.
Though it occurs more often among older people, urinary incontinence isn’t an inevitable cause of aging. There are several types of incontinence.
Stress Incontinence: The loss of urine from the bladder while sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting something heavy or exercising is known as Stress Incontinence.
Overflow Incontinence: It is a form of urinary incontinence where there is an involuntary loss of urine from an overfull bladder even when there is no urge to urinate. This is also known as Dribbling.
Urge Incontinence: A condition when you lose control over your bladder after experiencing a sudden urge to urinate. Once that urge hits, you may not be able to make it to the restroom on time. Urge Incontinence can be caused due to a minor infection or something more severe, like a neurological disorder or diabetes.
Functional Incontinence: It is a type of urinary incontinence in which there is an urge to urinate but the person cannot make it to the bathroom on time either due to a physical or mental condition. The loss of urine could vary from small leakages to the full emptying of the bladder.
Mixed Incontinence: Mixed incontinence is usually a combination of stress and urge incontinence.Thus, a person may experience symptoms of both.
Total Incontinence: This is a condition when the bladder is not able to store urine at all. This makes one pass urine constantly or frequently.
One needs to realize that urinary incontinence is not a disease; it is a symptom. It can be a result of everyday habits, physical problems, or medical conditions.
Temporary Urinary Incontinence: may occur due to the intake of certain drinks, including alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, sparkling water or artificial sweeteners. It can also result from certain foods like chocolates, chili peppers, spicy or acidic foods or citrus fruits. In some people, incontinence triggers with the intake of certain heart or blood pressure medicines, sedatives, or muscle relaxants.
Incontinence sometimes may also be a result of Urinary Tract Infection. UTIs can irritate the bladder, causing the person to have a strong urge to urinate more often, and sometimes even lead to incontinence. It can also occur from constipation. The rectum is located near the urinary bladder and shares the same nerves. In some cases, a hard stool can cause these nerves to be overactive and increase urine frequency.
Pregnancy Or Menopause: Hormonal changes or the increased weight of the fetus can lead to stress incontinence. In some cases, after menopause, women produce less estrogen that may weaken the urethra. This impairs one’s power to hold urine for much longer intervals.
Childbirth: Natural delivery or use of the forceps can weaken the muscles needed for bladder control, resulting in a dropped pelvic floor. Bladder, rectum, uterus, or small intestine can get displaced from their original position and sometimes protrude into the vagina. This can lead to urinary incontinence in women.
Hysterectomy: Any surgery involving women’s reproductive parts, such as removing the uterus, can lead to a dropped pelvic floor muscle. This can result in incontinence.
Old Age: The aging of bladder muscle can decrease a body's capacity to hold urine, resulting in urinary incontinence.
Enlarged Prostate: Incontinence often occurs from the enlargement of the prostate gland, a condition known as prostatic hyperplasia.
Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer can lead to stress or urge incontinence in men. Sometimes it can also result from the treatment rendered for the same.
Neurological Disorders: The Nervous system controls the brain, spinal cord, and other nerves of the body. It also plays an imperative role in controlling the storage and passing of urine. Any damage to it can interfere with the nerve signals controlling the bladder and thus lead to incontinence.